JUNE 28 2024.

imagine remembering things lmfao could not be me!

the two week manic minecraft hyperfixation hit my friends recently so that has tragically been where i've been at. horrible timing, i'm still eyeballing artfight and I have such little free time that will certainly be sunk into the cursed block game instead of literally anything else.

to be entirely honest, not much has happened this week due to me being in stocktake hell on my own. my first time doing all of stocktake, and the people who usually do stocktake aren't here so it has been a fucking nightmare from day one. four solid days!! god hates me! i am not built for corporate anything i tell you, i am so sick of emails and sharepoint and excel.....get me back in the mf surgery room man i cannot wait for the next 4wks to be over so I can go back to normal.

the other thing i've been getting horrendously unwillingly sucked into this week is the idw transformers comics (again) ((sixth reread of mtmte/ll)). i will never be free. considering you cant buy digital copies and i'd rather die than hunt down 50+ issues of an out of print comic, i've been pirating them off those shitty ad riddled readcomicsonline sites. tedious, but now they're on my ipad in one solid pdf block AND in hd. we win these.

JUNE 16 2024.

this week: busy. soooo busy.
procreate is still not working for me which is AGONISING, i cannot export my stuff as png's and it has halted all of my work soo bad. i have so much to do on the site but i cannot be bothered messing around with exporting to files and then emailing and then uploading blah blah bleh. anyway. got my site into one of the ads links which is neat! got them in my links page if you wanna check em out. i've tried to optimise the site too so it loads a little faster, but my wifi is pretty catastrophic anyway so it's no different for me.

this week has been a lot of artfight prep; cleaning up and watermarking refs, uploading, fixing my page, filling out TH accounts, etc etc. i have had several sole staff days at work this week and have more in the works, so it's been nice to work on art in relative peace. boring as all hell, though. there's only really one spot where i can sit out of sight of the cameras - which doesn't really matter, since they're only really there for in case someone breaks in - but i feel better about not being in their line of site. not particularly comfortable though. and also 10hrs of doing nothing is agony actually. getting through a lot of my shows, though! s5 of psych soon B)

tomorrow's plan is going to ikea to get a new display shelf for my taxidermy collection. i got a lot of them and they need more room; some of the skulls are stupidly large and it's crowding my bookshelf. excited to actually fill it up and get it looking nice! i even got to add more teeth to my tooth jar this week, which was pretty sick

other stuff i've been excited for this week: unfortunately missed out on hozier tickets for my city, but managed to get 21p ones! i missed their blurryface concert when they were here last and have been devastated about it every since. i'm not even 100% sure i love their new stuff, but its for the vibes and nostalgia, yk? also, new los campesinos! music this week has been trickling out and it is sooo good, i am obsessed. i love their stuff, i think 0890 heartache is my favourite so far! so keen for the whole album.

other than that, kind of lowkey week! it's getting properly cold in the mornings now which is great, but i do have to find some warming contraptions for my pets. mads is old, and my frog is getting as close as he can to the heater and it makes me feel a little bad. but enough rambling! pic of the week will be my new shelf when it's set up :)

JUNE 08 2024.

alright, first post, lets go!
genuinely, this whole website was set up because i thought oh, lets just do a little blog for myself. a nice outlet to talk about things, yk? so I looked into wordpress and realised how limited i was going to be unless i subscribed and really, in this economy, you want me to spend dollars to talk to myself? unbelievable. i do that for free. so I used my very basic html knowledge and made myself learn more and voila! overly complex and over-coded personal/blog website. i am nothing if not determined.

it has been an odd work week this week. my days have changed and now the vibes are off + I've got some temporary extra responsibilities that i hate and am doing very poorly at. we are overbooked and understaffed but like, just on the brink of too much. it's being handled so far but we are one (1) small change from being absolutely fucked.

it's been a dreary, cold and rainy week so far. winter coming fast, which is delightful for me personally. this weekend has been the sunniest it's been in a while, so my brother and i went to the beach early this morning - which was a nice windy kind of cold until i was pushed into the ocean fully clothed. kind of had to commit at that point and go for a swim, so. warmer in the water than it was out of it tbh! did have to walk back to the car soggy, though, which was less fun.

i housesat for a coworker earlier this week and managed to rip through a bunch of shows that i've been trying to get through for a while. i will absolutely talk about them in my media tab when i have it set up properly, but i got through: PACIFIC RIM: THE BLACK (2021), THE BEAR (2022), and NIGHTSTALKER (2014) - all of which I enjoyed more than i thought i would!

and lastly, right as i was getting into setting up this site, procreate auto updated overnight and now none of my images will save as png's, regardless of whether or not I have a background on them. endlessly frustrating, as i've been using it to make the site's assets. you might notice that newer assets like the banners on this page, for example, are crunchy ugly jpegs. this is why! i will update them as soon as i can but holy shit what incredibly garbage timing for me personally.

anyway! i think that's most of my week's excitement. for the rest of the day, the plan is to get this media tab up and running because i am desperate to start rambling about nothing in there. i got big plans for that thing, i am very excited to get into it!